Never ceases to amaze.

Just like that, everything changed. The weather broke, and suddenly the farm’s atmosphere turned around, uplifted

The bees were flying again due to the 60 degree high on Monday, and they still have plenty of stores. I added a pollen patty to each hive as a small boost and a nod to the coming spring. Although spring is still a good distance and several more cold snaps away, I think that we will come through ok this winter.

Our “oops” lambs are born, a lovely two pair of ewes (females) from our St Croix Ram, Volbeat. There was a fencing incident last year made apparent by a ram with a mission. I had hoped for a perfect lambing like we had last year but things rarely stay on track for us. Last year we had all the lambs drop in the first week of April. So both mother and lambs get the full benefit of green grass!

We laid Jill to rest at a high point in the pasture where we will eventually plant our orchard. It seemed like a fitting place for her to be because she liked all the high spots as look-outs. As I was digging the enormous hole the thought crossed my mind that it’s a shame that there is no guard Chihuahua…

Today, Sunday, we are off to collect George! Our pure Berkshire boar and the last addition to the pig team for some time (we think) be sure to check our gallery for pictures this week! Ruby and Genevie are laying in the sun, hair shining. Ruby really shines, must be all the good living, at least I’d like to think so. They both seem very happy indeed and I hope that George will too.

With all of the snow gone I was able to progress with the new chicken tractor (it is too big to build in the workshop, 10’ shed, 7’ door) so now the wire is on and I just have roofing to add, that’s the fastest part of the job. We use Aluminum as it’s very light, doesn’t rust, and reflects away the heat of summer very efficiently. Lightness is very important as sometimes Sally has to move the tractor if I am tied up with something else. don’t forget that we move the tractors daily so that the guys get fresh grass and bugs all the time. that’s why they taste soooo very good!

Well, that’s all I have to talk to you about this week, like I said, take a look at the gallery later on to see the new lambs and George!


Presenting George…


A difficult week