Whatever it is, you have to admit that bees grab attention. Would you like to know more about these fascinating insects?

  • Introduction Day. Free

    It all begins with your first look into a beehive…

    We have bee suits and gloves in several different sizes to make you more comfortable meeting bees for the first time.

    We look into what it means to keep bees and a brief look into costs and the time commitment.

    Beekeeping is a fascinating hobby and a dying art and I strongly believe that more people should enjoy the many benefits of bees. The problem is that it can be expensive to get into it and there is a monstrous amount of bad advice which can lead to failure.

    It simply doesn’t have to be that way and I am happy to explain the potential pitfalls.

    These days will be announced on our Facebook page and they depend greatly on weather and temperature during Spring and Fall.

  • Beginners Course. $450

    If you are starting out in beekeeping then this is the course for you.

    I know what it is that you are about to get into, believe me, because I’ve been doing this for over twenty years and I’ve done it in two different countries….from scratch.

    I will teach the following things plus many more:

    •Types and components of hives

    •How to light and use the smoker

    •How to obtain and nurture your first bees

    •Swarm control

    •Your first crop of honey

    •How to manage your colony into Winter

    •Spring build up

    This is a year long course with hands on group lessons at my bee yard and at yours (if you’d like)

  • Intermediate Course. $300

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

    This course is aimed at multiple colony keeping, advanced styles of beekeeping, commercial techniques, and long term essentials like:


    •Record Keeping

    •Colony equalization

    •Migratory Beekeeping

    •Making splits


    •An introduction to Queen Rearing